Japanese Antiques for sale

Sale of Japanese antiques and other items

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   Timeline of Japanese Era:
     Heisei1989 - present
     Showa1926 - 1989
     Taisho1912 - 1926
     Meiji1868 - 1912
     Edo1603 - 1868
     Azuchi-Momoyama1568 - 1603
     Muromachi1336 - 1573
     Kamakura1185 - 1333
     Heian794 - 1185
     Nara710 - 794
     Asuka538 - 710
     Kofun250 - 538
     Yayoi300 BC - 250
     Jomon14,000 BC - 300 BC
     Paleolithic35,000 BC - 14,000 BC


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